Please consider supporting our parish via weekly envelopes.
To request envelopes for your weekly cash/check donations or to make a memorial donation, please contact the Parish Office.
Thank you for your generous contributions to our community.
St. John the Apostle offers Online Giving through WeShare.
There are many ways to remember your living and deceased loved ones throughout the year.
Mass Intentions
The infinite graces that flow from the Sacrifice of the Mass benefit the souls not only of the deceased but the living as well. The gift of a Mass intention is also a wonderful way to recognize a wedding anniversary, a birthday, an anniversary of ordination or entrance into religious life. For us who believe, no greater gift can be given.
Masses can also be offered for the intentions of a person about to undergo surgery, who is recuperating from an illness or has some other special need. These Masses are announced simply as “for the intention” of the individual.
Other than the Sacred Triduum of Holy Week, Mass is said every day for these intentions. So why not take out your calendar and arrange a Mass intention to pray for a deceased loved one, to celebrate a significant occasion for living family and friends or to offer spiritual support for someone in need of it.
Masses are offered for single intentions: for example, an intention for one person, a married couple, a parent/child or a single family. Intentions can be requested for daily and/or Sunday Masses. Since many parishioners request Sunday Masses, single intentions from multiple donors may be accepted, however there is a limit of two intentions per Mass.
Masses to be offered on a particular day and time are announced in the Sunday bulletin and during the announcements before Mass.
Each Mass intention is accepted for an offering of $10. Mass Intentions can be arranged with the parish office. A card is provided indicating the date and time of the Mass.
Memorial Gifts
A more significant way to remember a deceased loved one is through a memorial contribution. Like Mass offerings, memorial contributions can be made for any special occasion. They are also a great idea at the time of death. You simply need to state in the obituary, “Memorial contributions to St. John the Apostle Catholic Church appreciated.” The benefits of a memorial contribution include:
The gift may be as large or as small as a donor wants it to be.
While Mass offerings can only be used to cover the actual cost of the Mass, memorial contributions can be used for any of the many operating needs of the parish including scholarship assistance for school children, maintenance and upgrading of our facilities or support of our many ministries.
For large memorial gifts the parish can work with the donor(s) to determine a way to use the gift that would be most appropriate to the interests and preferences of the individual who is being memorialized through the gift.
Donations to the St. John the Apostle Church Memorial Fund are used for special needs not covered by ordinary parish funds. Gifts of $650 or more are noted on the benefactors plaque mounted in the narthex near the front doors of the church.
If you are interested in making a donation in memory of a loved one, please contact the Parish Office at (630)279-7404.
Personalized Paver Bricks at the Grotto of Our Lady of Grace
Personalized bricks are available for purchase for $100 each. Pick up an order form in the church narthex or download an order form here. Return the completed order form with payment to the parish office.
Brick Paver Order Form (English)
Brick Paver Order Form (Spanish)
Every gift, no matter the size, is very important to the success of this campaign. The CMAA funds a wide range of ministries that supports programs for the people in the seven counties of our Joliet Diocese and beyond.
Please prayerfully consider a gift to the annual appeal.
Each year our parish has a target goal assigned. Remember that our parish receives a rebate of 70% of the amount collected over our target!
Pledge envelopes are available or to donate on-line, click here.
Tue | 7:45am |
Wed | 7:45am |
Thu | 7:00pm |
Fri | 7:45am |
Sat | 8:00am, 5:00pm |
Sun | 9:00am, 11:00am |
Mon | 7:45am |
Sun | 12:30pm |
Tue | 8:45am |
Wed | 8:45am |
Thu | 8:45am |
Fri | 8:45am |
Sat | 5:00pm |
Sun | 8:30am, 10:30am, 6:00pm |
Mon | 8:45am |